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Fictitious invoices

Fictitious invoices / deny of VAT deduction right according to the practice of the Hungarian Supreme Court

Recently we saw a lot of cases during our practice, where a harmless target audit (audit regarding the fulfillment of certain tax obligations) is followed by a criminal investigation initiated by the auditors. In other cases, the target audit is especially initiated by the tax authority to collect evidence for a future criminal procedure. The formerly typical case where after a tax audit a criminal procedure is initiated can still be seen, but not so often.


In this present article we try to give a big picture about the practice of the supreme court regarding fictitious invoices.

Tovább >

Mitigation and remission of tax debt Conditions of instalment payment

Tax debt instalment payment, payment facilitation, deferred payment, equity in tax procedure, remission of tax debt

In what cases and under which circumstances may we apply for the mitigation or the remission of our tax debt? What is the duration of payment of tax debt in instalments? What does exactly the postponement of payment mean in case of tax debt? What kind of data do we have to provide and what do we have to certify for the tax authority to decide over our payment facilitation request?


In the following part of this present article we answer the above questions and discuss the basic rules of the so called equity procedures (tax debt mitigation, remission, instalment payment procedure).

Tovább >

Testimony, declarations and providing information

Testimony, declaration in front of the tax authority (national tax and customs administration), what is the difference if we make a declaration as a client or as a witness

Testimony, declaration in front of the tax authority.


What is the difference if we make a declaration as a client or as a witness?

Tovább >

Professionalism and reliability

attorney at law, tax expert, economist

Head of Molnár and Partners Law Association

attorney at law, tax advisor

Founder of Molnár and Partners Law Association

Roland Márk
attorney at law

Founder of Molnár and Partners Law Association